Day 4

Minute to Win It Activities

Today we are focusing on being active!  It is important for you to move your body to keep your joints mobile and your muscles strong.  Below are several “minute to win it” type games that you can try.  They would be fun to share with friends and family too!  Take a picture or a video of you performing these activities and email them to or text to 502-794-2074 so we can see how much fun you had! Please pick 3 of the activities below to complete (or complete them all if you wish!).  We have included several of the supplies in your camper bag.

  1. Face the cookie  see how fast you can get the cookie to your mouth!
  2. Shoe fly shoe  see how fast you can land your shoe upright on a table or box
  3. Defying gravity  see if you can keep all 3 balloons in the air for the entire minute
  4. Stick it to ‘em:  The goal is to stick as many sticky post-it notes as you can on someone in ONE MINUTE!  Sounds ridiculous right?  You will be surprised how quickly you run out of space!
  5. Brush with Danger (you will need a toothbrush and some floss) try to complete this task in 1 minute